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Peak Mountain 3

Slabbath Bloody Slabbath

FA Tim Snyder, Nathan Brown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The first pitch is a more direct way to get to the upper part of Black Slabbath.

P-1 Climb up and left on great crimpers to a bolt. Continue up past a good horizontal (gear here)and another bolt. Continue up and slightly left and into the upper portion of Black Slabbath (anchors a good bit to the left). Rap from anchors of Black Slabbath, or continue up the very fun moderate second pitch.

P-2 Traverse back out right into the dark streak and follow that up and right to a large undercling/lieback flake. From here climb towards the large cedar tree a good ways up, weaving back and forth as neccessary. 3 single rope raps will get you down. Rap down and right to a lower rappel tree, then once again to a bolted anchor below.


Start 60 feet right of "Black Slabbath" on a vegetated ledge. Same starting holds as for The "Return Of Grunge"


standard rack. P-2 requires up to a #3 camelot, and a few extra slings.

1000 km
500 mi