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Peak Mountain 3


FA Josh Smith, James Hunter
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Sustained with some thin moves and potential for big safe air up high.

Intricate and bouldery moves past the first two bolts lead to a great jug for the third bolt clip. Climbing right of the bolt line for a couple more bolts, a sneaky mono undercling can be used to get the small ledge for the fourth bolt clip. Hard moves using a creaky flake (don't pull too hard) lead to a strenuous fifth clip. Take a nice, long no-hands rest on the generous ledge and crank up and left of the bolt line on a couple sloper holds for hands and feet past the sixth and seventh bolts. Intricate moves get you back to the right and up to the anchors on good crimps.


Just left of the Mighty Mouse crack.


8 bolts to a chains equipped with lowering carabiners.

1000 km
500 mi