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Peak Mountain 3

Wrist Never Sleeps

FA Strappo and friends
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Wrist Never Sleeps is a steep face climb on a pill-shaped rock between Block Tower and Poe Buttress. Climb up a vertical face on painfully sharp crimps, pass 6 bolts, then traverse left to lower angle rock and up past two more bolts. Don't forget to bring some small cams to partially protect the upper run out 5.10 slab and to build an anchor at the top.


Between Poe Buttress and Block Tower. The fastest descent is North towards the Poe Buttress and back down the gully. It is also easy to traverse to the south and climb the crux pitch of Mr. Mantle.


Quick draws and small cams.

1000 km
1000 mi