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Peak Mountain 3

Unknown 2

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is another of the many undocumented climbs established around the

Storm Mountain Island

area. It is a variation to


's second pitch, or can be climbed in 1 pitch from the ground starting on



The Flake

. It is kind of a strange climb. Which side of the arete do you climb on? Right side seems fairly hard and contrived, while the left side is quite easy but the bolts are positioned in a way that your rope keeps getting hung up on the sharp edge of the heavily featured arete. Either way, climb up the slab clipping a couple bolts until the wall steepens then decide which way to go. I climbed the left side, if you go this way the crux is on the slab around the second bolt.


This climb ascends the arete located to the right of

The Flake

and to the left of

Padded Cell



Mostly bolts(10 I think), some gear may be heplful for those at their limit, but not really needed. Rappel from Padded Cell anchor or walk off.

1000 km
500 mi