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Peak Mountain 3

Bulbous Punch

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start on the right-side bottom and kick left foot out to a step created at the bottom of a flake. Get body up and work left and up the hump on the left side of the photo. Not many good holds (or I couldn't find any) and tricky foot movements/reaches. 


Trail behind Portsmouth High School baseball field. When it forks, go left, the right side of the fork starts with a small wooden bridge. Walk along the path with the large rock face on your right and other scattered rocks until you see this just off of the trail in front of you.


Pad and spotter if possible. Landing isn't too bad but there is certainly potential for injury.

Routes in PHS Trails

  1. 1
    Bulbous Punch
2000 km
1000 mi