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Peak Mountain 3

J-Tree Route

FA Rick Fairtrace and Scott Jones
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


In a left-facing dihedral climb a crack on the right wall to a large vegetated ledge. Then head up the slightly overhung dihedral. The upper dihedral can be wet and dirty, making it much harder than the rating suggests. An adventure trad route for sure!


Farthest climber's right at the White Wall Area. A few paces climber's right of New Clear Potato Meltdown, a four-bolt sport route. The "J" shaped tree near the top of the climb is visible from the base.


Hands to large cams. A number 6 Camalot is nice for protecting the final moves of the lower dihedral but not necessary. No anchors. Scramble above the J-tree into the forest and find a tree to anchor off of.

2000 km
1000 mi