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Peak Mountain 3

Electric Boobs

FA Bob Rotert, Tom McMillan 1974
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Locate the bolts and weave your way up around and over the mammalian protruberences. Belay at anchors. Pitch two starts off going right, then heads up and left. You can hook up with either route to the left or right and top out if you wish. After the second pitch, like most Stone routes, the going gets monotonous.


From the ground, between Orange Blossom and Grand Funk Railroad. Pretend you are tripping and look for giant "boobs" in the rock.


6 draws should be plenty. If you want to top out a light rack couldn't hurt.

Routes in Stone Mountain South Face

  1. 52
    Electric Boobs
2000 km
1000 mi