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Peak Mountain 3

Rossetti Rose

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


An excellent, steep route that climbs differently than most of the vertical to less than vertical granite at Pinnacle Peak.

Start by stemming and laybacking up a sweet dihedral with small gear for about 40'. When the crack peters out, move right onto the face past a bolt to a rest stance. From here, it's full value. Layback up the overhanging seam past 2 bolts to a thank-God lip. Bust the final mantle and cruise around the right to finish up at the west summit anchors.


On the north side of the West Summit. You can rap or scramble down to the base from the notch between the west and east summits.

Basically from the rap anchors at the gully right of Chug A Lug-- head north under some boulders. RR will be the obvious dihedral splitter below.


Tiny nuts and cams to about .5. 3 bolts for the finish.

1000 km
500 mi