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Start the climb inside a small chimney to the right that is at the trunk of the Elephant. Once atop the chimney reach into the finger-hand crack and begin jamming. Follow the diagonal crack all the way to the summit.
The rock is extremely crumbly on the face below the crack so watch your feet.
Crux is about halfway through the climb.
Make your way up the climbers trail, past AMC boulder, follow the trail for another 100 yards and you should see a boulder that resembles an Elephant or Ant-Eater. Find the south facing side of this boulder. A finger-hand-fist crack splits the boulder diagonally to the summit. Approximately between AMC Boulder and The Wedge. If you find your self at the splitting trail for the wedge and the summit youv gone to far. turn around and you should see the Elephant.
All trad. I sent the route with just a set of nuts and tricams. Cams to #3 could be very useful. But in reality it can be done with just nuts and acouple tricams.
Routes in Elephant Rock
- 1Elephánt5.8-Trad