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Peak Mountain 3

Medussa (1st alternate start to Bullit)

FA Tom Bowker, Alan Hunter, Jay Lena mid 80's
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


From the top of the block, left of the alternate 5.8/9 start to Bullit, climb up 20' to a bolt . continue up to a stance and another bolt then trend up right to a short corner and the Bullit belay ledge. Excellent rock quality!


Just left of the alternate 5.8/9 start to Bullit is a large vegetated block leaning against the slab. Start from the top of the block which is best accessed on the left side.


2 bolts and gear

In a separate communication, Tom indicated these bolts are the :" original petzl self drive" [from the 1980's FA] Act accordingly; although he added "and probably still good"

2000 km
1000 mi