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Peak Mountain 3


FA Tom Atkins
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A beautiful, one of a kind continuous roof crack hidden like a true gem amidst the beauty of Cedar Lakes western shore.  No, really, it's worth it. Starts with great Fists/Hands for several moves before a challenging final not-quite-fingers-not-quite-Hands-battle before exiting the cave to a hang and drop. Two to three pads are enough.

Bring a towel if it’s seeping it can be dried out in a day.  If you see it dry, don’t hesitate.

Oh, and bring a spider stick


Landmarks are your friend here.  Honestly, finding this thing was half the fun, so enjoy the hike.  This is located between the two points of the Wolfden loop trail. Around 1.5 miles in, just after passing beneath a large overhanging Chossy wall, focus on the cliffline.  Look for a natural arch key hole at the top of a boulder, followed by a very clean, recessed area of vertical wall. Just past this, keep looking at the base of the cliff for a small cave opening directly behind a large Ash tree.  If you see a large, egg shaped boulder then you have just passed it!  Turn around and look closer.  The cave drops down below eye level looking from the trail, so keep your eyes peeled!


2-3 pads or you could genuinely just have an active spotter.   Anti-spider spells are key here

Routes in Cove Hollow Trail South

  1. 1
2000 km
1000 mi