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Peak Mountain 3

Southern Cross

FA TR Alistair Veitch + Ken Roberts
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Nice face climbing.

Straight up the face.

Loose flake in lower section as of July 2017.


: Along with the silver fern, the four stars of the Cross constellation are featured on national flag designs of New Zealand - (the four stars also represent four islands).


: The rock on and near this route has not been climbed much yet, and some of the rock is still breakable and loose -- so the belayer and other people should stand far away from underneath the climber.

FA first ascent? The listing of a Top-Rope first ascent does not imply that top-roping is the "appropriate" style for this route. If some party bolts this route and leads it and supplies a careful description of the size and metal-composition of the bolts and hangers - (by posting an Improve This Page or a Comment below) -- they wlll be given first-rank FA on this page. Also they can supply their own new name for this climb.


In the upper part of this sector.

Below light yellow-orange face between broken/textured rock + crack to its left and deeper broken rock + gully to its right.

see on this Photo


No fixed hardware for top anchor or for leading.

Top-Roping: For ideas about how to get access to set up top anchor,

see the Area description page for this sector 2 Robinson


Protection for Trad leading is unknown and likely inadequate.

2000 km
1000 mi