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Longbow Chimney
Start on the left side of the Crooked Arrow Spire.
P1-5.8-Climb up 20' of "solid" chockstones. (Once on top of chockstones place a piece of gear high in a crack on the left to avoid horrid rope drag.) Walk/scramble to back of chimney, climb 3 cracks to a intermediate belay(we stopped here but to do the route in 2 pitches continue 50' to a belay in the col between the spire and the wall.
P2-A1-Climb Bolts and fixed pins with 2 gear placements to summit. We counted 31 bolts/fixed pins. The last two 1/4" bolts don't have hangers but are on a slab and are pointing upwards.
Descent- We rapped from the top to the intermediate belay on pitch 1(with two 60m ropes) then to the ground. I don't think you can rap the route with one rope because of the last pitch.
Standard desert rack. 2 ropes.