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Peak Mountain 3

Sunny Shortcut

FA Sharon Roberts 2015
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Fun way to get up to (or down from?) the Picnic Ledge. If it weren't so so short it would get more quality stars.

Climb the overhang with positive handlolds to reach a sloping grass/dirt ledge about ten feet up.


Overhang about 45 feet right (East) from the Picnics Dihedral (which is the junction of the wider South-facing wall of the Sunny Picnics area with East-facing wall which forms the Right end of the Tower Wall).

About 10 feet right of the larger + lower perched block (the Mushroom) on top of the south-facing wall. As of 2015 there is a large fallen tree on the rock just right of this overhang.


It's less than ten feet high, with a reasonable landing.

2000 km
1000 mi