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Peak Mountain 3

Manassa Mauler

FA Bob and Carrie Robertson
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is one of the better routes at Manassa and was named after Jack Dempsey, the most famous person from Manassa.

The first pitch is a great warm-up (5.8) with a comfortable belay ledge.

The second pitch starts with thin face and goes to steep, bucket hauling face and ends with technical climbing.


As you walk up to the lower wall (10 minutes), the route is the second bolted route right (20 feet) of the only tree on the lower face.


The first pitch takes 5 bolts and anchor. The second pitch 9 bolts and anchor. From the top anchor, rappel twice or rappel with two ropes to the ground. The route is 140 feet long.

Routes in Robust

  1. 2
    Manassa Mauler
2000 km
1000 mi