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Peak Mountain 3

Fists of Fury

FA Tony Yaniro, 1978
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Note: This route no longer exists due to rockfall in February 2003. The description remains for historical significance only.

A fist crack out a short roof right off the ground leads to a squeeze chimney. What looks like heinous offwidthing around the lip of the roof is made much easier by a "thank god" hold inside the crack. Squeeze and standard chimneying lead to the top. Might deserve an "s" rating as it's hard to protect higher though the climbing is easy and it's not a chimney that you're likely to fall out of. Gear anchor and descend a low angle chimney behind and to the right of the route.


Fist sized to the biggest you got. The crux is low and can be protected with 2.5-5" gear. The climbing above in the chimney is easier but you'd need #4 big bros to protect it if at all.

1000 km
500 mi