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Peak Mountain 3

Just nuts if you have the balls

FA John Hienrichs Aug 2018
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Fun short bouldery route. Follow the obvious crack line. The crack starts thin, pulls a little bulge on the left side of a small roof, then moves left where it widens. The grade comes from the crux moves, then goes 5 easier to the top.


Just south of black lake. Look for a pull out on the right (east side of the road) as you leave town just south of the rough road sign. The route is visible from the road as it is only about 25 feet off the road. There is a large spruce tree at the base of the climb.


We ended up using just nuts. Pulling the bulge towards the bottom is the bottom is the crux. My friend thought he had a Metolious 00, but he couldn't find it, so we just ran it with nuts. This makes the crux spicy. If you don't want the spicyness bring your smallest cam and hope it fits.

1000 km
500 mi