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Peak Mountain 3

Reaction Time - Sit Start

FA Unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Sit start from back all the way under the boulder start hold on the large jug about two feet off the ground, then go out to two pretty bad crimpers, just little cracks in the rock. Dyno to another pretty good crimper and go from there. V6- Variation: start on the two bad crimpers.

WARNING: There is a large jug at the bottom left of the route, it's a flake about one and a half square feet, really close to the two bad beginning crimpers. IT'S LOOSE and just leaning against the tree next to it. It's not recommended that you touch it :)


About 60-100 feet north from the very first rock outcropping. Directly to the left of a big ledge to climb down after topping out.


Bring a pad

Routes in Grindstone Mini Wall Boulders

  1. 3
    Reaction Time - Sit Start
1000 km
500 mi