HomeUSAKentuckyRed River GorgeMiller Fork Recreational Preserve (MFRP)GraveyardAltered State5.11cSmoking the Dark Crystal5.12aEdit modePet Cemetery5.11csportFA Rachel Stewart, Shadow AyalaCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart up the slab that appears to be more featured than it is and high step, smear, and finesse your way up the less-than-vertical face passing a few sections where you will find yourself examining the rock for any sort of minuscule foothold.LocationContinue left past the first tall section of the crag until you reach a small slab section with three bolted lines right next to each other. Pet Cemetery is the leftmost route just before a small break with some vegetation. A fourth slab route is located just left of the aforementioned break in the rock.Protection7 bolts to chains.Routes in Graveyard1Dead on Arrival5.12aSport2Altered State5.11cTrad3Pet Cemetery5.11cSport 4Smoking the Dark Crystal5.12aSport5Evil Dead5.12aSport6The Cousin of Death5.11dSport7Dead Baby5.8+Trad8Pall Bearer5.9Trad9Gallows March5.12b/cSport10Electric Funeral5.13aSport11Grim Reaper5.12bSport