HomeUSAUtahSouthwest UtahSaint GeorgeBeaver Dam RoadSunset AlleyAlley, TheSunset Lanes5.11dFrack5.12bEdit modeFrick5.12bsportFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionnice and easy to get off the ground then right into the business. which is very reachy and sequential. really fun though. goes realy chill after you clear the overhanging part. maybe 5.9 for the rest of it. really fun powerful line.Locationfirst line to the right of sunset lanes starts on the overhanging yellowish wall.ProtectiondrawsRoutes in The Alley1Family Affair5.10bSport2Shits and Giggles5.10aSport3Therapy5.11aSport4Dance School5.10dSport5Sondance5.10cSport6Old Pine5.10aSport7Sister Chromatid5.13bSport8The Weirding Way5.13aSport9D5.12c/dSport10Shell Shocked5.12cSport11It's a Good Life5.12bSport12Three Pump Chump5.12aSport13Sunset Lanes5.11dSport14Frick5.12bSport 15Frack5.12bSport16Smoke Machine5.10+Sport17Kabuki5.10cSport18Alley Cat5.8Sport