HomeUSAColoradoGrand Junction AreaUnaweep CanyonNine Mile HillNine Mile BoulderingReba BouldersHobo Hilton BoulderGaslightingV2Edit modeHobo HiltonV4-5boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSit start compressing the opposing slopers. From there, place a right heel, slap up a few times with the hands, reach and match on the rounded jug before the lip, and continue up from there to reach an easy mantel.LocationIt climbs the west side of Hobo Hilton's north arete.ProtectionA pair of pads. The landing is flat and clear.Routes in Hobo Hilton Boulder1GaslightingV2Bouldering2Hobo HiltonV4-5Bouldering