HomeUSAWashingtonCentral-West Cascades & SeattleSkykomish ValleyIndexLower Lump AreaWalking Legend Wall[Redacted]5.11aExponential Excavation5.8Edit modeWalking Legend5.10sportFA Jesse Cirillo and David RepnikCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionNamed after a local legend that against all odds is still on the sunny side of the grass. This is an AWESOME sport climb that follows a left leaning fault system all the way up the wall with killer views and great exposure.-Pitch 1 5.8+ (65) Shares the same first bolt as Finger My Slot as it traverses right to the sloping ledge. From the slopey ledge head straight up to the anchors.-Pitch 2 5.10 (60) Starts with a technical sequence before transitioning to juggey fun.-Pitch 3 5.10 (115) This is the pitch that just keeps on giving.Location30ft left of Exponential ExcavationProtection12 drawsRoutes in Walking Legend Wall1Hand of Doom5.11-Sport2[Redacted]5.11aSport3Walking Legend5.10Sport 4Exponential Excavation5.8Trad5Exponential Potential5.10dTrad6Huberts Revenge5.10aTrad7Drunken Sarahenity5.10bTr · Sport8Long for Rand5.10-Trad