HomeUSAUtahSouthwest UtahSaint GeorgeUtah HillsWoodbury Road CragsKelly's RockTag Team5.10cK-75.12dEdit modeK-65.11bsportFA OldridCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionAnother classic 11b up an intimidating overhanging scoop. This route starts with some thin slabbing up the scoop, and then a series of utterly perfect holds lead up through the overhang. Super fun, excellent stone, great line!LocationPretty easy to spot- start at the big boulder on the left side of the crag. K-8 leaves from the top of the boulder. The next 2 lines left of there are 5.12. The next line left of them is K-6, and is obvious as it pulls through the left side of a big overhanging scoop.Protection6 bolts to anchorsRoutes in Kelly's Rock1Razors Edge5.6Sport2K-15.10aSport3Liquid Kitty5.8Sport4Wet My Whistle5.8Sport5Harsh Rhetoric5.7Sport6Demagogue5.7Sport7A Force To Be Reckoned With5.7Sport8The Awakening5.9Sport9K-35.9Sport10Topless Vegetables5.9Sport11K-45.11bSport12K-55.10bSport13Tag Team5.10cSport14K-65.11bSport 15K-75.12dSport16Another Day at the Office5.12cSport17K-85.11bSport18The Hookup5.11aSport19K-95.12bSport20Czech Frogs Say Qua5.11cSport21Rending of Garments5.10a/bSport22Gnashing of Teeth5.10bSport23Defoliant5.9Sport24Recidivist5.8Sport25Zealot5.12c/dSport26Just This Zealot5.13a/bSport27Just This5.13aSport28Hubris5.11aSport29Plumbers Arete5.10cSport30The Heeler5.12b/cSport31Mayhem5.12bSport