HomeUSAUtahWasatch RangeSouthern WasatchAmerican Fork CanyonHideaway, TheSouth-Facing WallTang5.10cDrop Anchor5.10dEdit modeTing5.7sportFA Jeff BaldwinCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionEnjoyable climbing in a corner with pockets and stemming. Big sidepulls and occasional crack features lead up the corner weakness with a slight bulge near the top. A few large pockets that you'll feel guilty about not using because there are too many other holds.If you contrived to stay on the face only it'd probably be mid-5.10.LocationThe line immediately left of a corner, near the left side of the crag. After coming around a bulge and uphill slightly there are two short, bolted lines on the south face of the bulge and a corner immediately left of the bulge.This line is the three bolts to the left of the corner.Protection3 bolts, single-ring anchors.Routes in South-Facing Wall1Unknown power crimps5.11b/cSport2Unknown Dihedral5.7+Sport3Unknown 15.10aSport4Unknown 25.10cSport5Unknown 35.9Sport6Kahlua5.10aSport7Motu5.10aSport8Charlie Don't Surf5.9Sport9Tang5.10cSport10Ting5.7Sport 11Drop Anchor5.10dSport12Tuna Melt5.11dSport13High Tide5.11dSport14Dark Rum5.12bSport15Pina Colada5.12aSport16Easter Island5.12cSport17Sea Cliff5.10dSport18Bamboo5.12bSport19Daiquiri Ice5.11cSport20Gator Bait5.12dSport21Tropical Depression5.13aSport22Cinnamon Bay5.12bSport23Razor Clam5.11c/dSport24Lion Fish5.12aSport25I Can't Explain5.12bSport26Sea Tomato5.12cSport27Alcyone5.13aSport28Margarita5.12cSport29Green Violetear5.12dSport30Blue Typhoon5.13a/bSport31Screaming Lobsters5.11dSport32Oysters Rockefeller5.11cSport