HomeUSAMassachusettsEastern, MAHammond PondTemple AreaTemple OverhangsSlab on Front of Temple Boulder (sit start)V1-2PushoverV0+Edit modeSugarsmacksV0boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart on the left side of the flake at the base of the wall, move up to the shelf, then make a big move for the left end of the lip.LocationThis is on the left side of the main face.ProtectionA pad.Routes in Temple Overhangs1Slab on Front of Temple Boulder (sit start)V1-2Bouldering2SugarsmacksV0Bouldering 3PushoverV0+Bouldering4Natural HighV0-Bouldering5Snake SkinV3Bouldering6The DealerV5-6Bouldering7Reefer MadnessV3Bouldering8Pot HolderV2Bouldering9Temple TraverseV2Bouldering