HomeUSAAlaskaAnchorage & South Central AlaskaHatcher PassArchangel Valley Sport and Traditional ClimbingCatch The WaveGateway5.9Rebirth5.11cEdit modeOffwide5.9tradFA Gavey?CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionOne of my new favorite 5.9's is Hatcher. IMO both Offwide and Gateway are better than the good pitches on Toto. Climb the first short splitter in the start of the Catch the Wave Gully or walk around on some grass.Pitch 1 20Ft splitter found at the Start of the Catch the Wave Gully. I didn't climb this I just walked around.Pitch1 or 2 however you want to do it. You are going to wonder why you are climbing this pitch and probably rethinking your poor decision and wish you would have just gone up to Rebirth. Climb grass/moss and short rock steps till you are at the splitters. gear belay or climb to the base of gateway where there is a slung horn.Offiwide Pitch 2 or 3 This pitch is 15 feet to the right of Gateway and is called Offwide. You can see this pitch from the approach. Climb up to the wide crack that narrows to hand size. This is a giant detached pillar of rock, but you don't care because it is sssoooo gggooooddd. About half way up there is a dead marmot stuck in the crack. Gear belay and the rap is right above you. 5.9 60ish feet of gloryThis pitch will make you forget about all the moss climbing you did to get there.Rap off the horn/pinch to the base of the pitch where the other horn is at the base of the hand and fist crack. Rap into the gully.There is another pitch called Chimnee behind the detached pillar.LocationBase of the Catch the Wave GullyProtectionDouble set of cams 1 BD 4 and 1 BD 5Routes in Catch The Wave1Gateway5.9Trad2Offwide5.9Trad 3Rebirth5.11cTrad4The Prospect5.11+Trad5Cheese Pit Blues5.10bTrad6Cornish Head5.10-Trad7Riptide Arete5.12aTrad