HomeUSANew MexicoAlbuquerque AreaFoothills BoulderingU-MoundSwitchback BoulderThe RainbowV0+Edit modePurple aka End SlabV1boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionGo up the slab using a low horizontal crack, and the few other features that exist. Two-move wonder. Easy topout.LocationSlab on the east face. Not shown in photo. Location indicated by purple arrow.Routes in Switchback Boulder1RedV0-Bouldering2Yellow aka Top O' the Mornin'!V0Bouldering3BlueV2Bouldering4GreenV-easyBouldering5The RainbowV0+Bouldering6Purple aka End SlabV1Bouldering