HomeUSANevadaSouthern NevadaRed Rocks03-First Pullout (Calico I)Panty WallThe Last Panty5.7Cover My Buttress5.5Edit modeSilk Panties5.7sportFA Donette & Todd SwainCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThose who have never climbed on desert varnish will find this climb a splendid introduction. The "glued on " nature of varnished holds over sandstone provides a unique climbing experience, of which the right hand flake near the first bolt is a fine example. Remember, pull down and not out and don't climb when the rock is wet. One would hate to contribute to the destruction of such an amazing climbing area.Below the main wall, a flat ledge narrows and angles upwards the farther right you go. It eventually opens up again below a lower angled portion of the face which allows 4th class access to set up tope ropes above. Silk Panties starts midway up the narrow up-angling portion of the ledge and passes 5 bolts to a 3 bolt anchor. The 5.7 rating may be a bit generous.Protection6 drawsRoutes in Panty Wall1Office Party5.9Sport2Office Manager5.10Trad3Corner Office5.10dSport4Office Expansion5.10dSport5Office Maxx5.12aSport6Panty Mime5.10dSport7Victoria's Secret5.10cTr · Sport8Panty Prow5.6Sport9Totally Clips5.11aSport10Wedgie5.12aSport11Viagra Falls5.11dSport12Edible Panties5.10-Trad · Tr13Panty Raid5.10aTrad14Panty Line5.10aTrad · Tr15Brief Encounter5.8Sport16Sacred Undergarment Squeeze Job5.8Sport17Boxer Rebellion5.8Sport18Black Lace5.8Sport19The Last Panty5.7Sport20Silk Panties5.7Sport 21Cover My Buttress5.5Trad · Tr22Butt Floss Left5.11-Tr23Butt Floss5.10aTr24ThongV-easyTrad · Bouldering25Tighty Whities5.7+Tr26Granny Panties5.6Tr27Eat My Shorts5.10Trad