Divine Intervention

FA Scott Unice Weston Unice
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Route begins  next to the only tree along bottom of the mammoth wall.  Climb directly up from the platform then go slightly right you’ll then enter into a crack system that’s bolted. The crux is entering into the crack system. Try to get the no hands rest by doing the knee jam. Very good climbing above that using the crack system good hand locks.  I find this very pleasant climbing. The loose rock in this area is common. This will all disappear as people climate. My guess is it’s had only a few climb  since this was put up years ago. With time I find this style of climbing to be very appealing esp. as it cleans via traffic. I would give it three stars. Bolts replaced about every 6 feet apart.

A nerve-wracking affair with apparently good rock in places, that then sounds hollow when you get there.

Less-than-vertical with mostly positive holds; the climbing isn't bad, but you worry about the rock, the bolts in the rock, etc.

Loose stuff abounds off the bolt line, but the actual line itself isn't too bad.

Choss-haters need not apply.


Starts about half-way up the slope on the left side of the wall. It ends up under an obvious flake, which is in turn to the left of and below a very large flake/roof.


11 bolts, anchors