HomeUSAUtahSoutheast UtahArches National ParkDevil's Golf BallEdit modeRegular Route5.10btradaidFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionThis route is fun, and goes to a cool summit on a very cool looking spire. The approach is very short. The climbing is relatively moderate, and it's sort of an easy tick for a desert spire. It's a good one. The route goes up cracks facing the road via free and aid climbing, until you get to a bolt ladder to the top. I free climbed to 5.9, but you could free climb 5.10 if you wanted to.LocationJUST out of the parking lot of the Garden of Eden (Same one as for Owl Rock). This formation is easy to find, as from the front, it looks like a golfball on a golf tee.ProtectionStandard desert rack. (Maybe doubles or triples of everything..)Routes in Devil's Golf Ball1Regular Route5.10bTrad · Aid