HomeUSACaliforniaRedwood CoastPatrick's Point State ParkWedding RockDirty Girdle5.12aRiptide5.9+Edit modeGreat White Fright5.10ctradFA Evan Wisheropp and Thomas RodriguezCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionEPIC three pitch voyage straight up from the waterline of the South Face of Wedding Rock. This route has a very particular season, you need to climb it in the winter when all the bird poop has been washed off the cliff, but also when the waves are low enough. The best description comes pitch by pitch.P1. (5.10c S) Anchor the belayer on some boulders above the waves. Count the waves and when you've got an idea when it's safe to pass, run across the class-3 tidepools (slippery!) and climb the 5.10c overhanging dihedral (Gear .4-2"). Belay on the sloping ledge with three #2 cams.P2. (5.10c) Climb a hand crack up to a bulge. Place a plethora of gear, including two blue TCUs up high. The crux then is some exciting face climbing on a slightly overhanging wall. Belay on the ledge. (Gear .2-3", Four blue TCUs)P3. (5.8R) Move back left on the ledge, place a blue TCU, and pull over a bulge being careful of what you're pulling on. Navegate the juggy wall being careful of some questionable blocks. (Gear: .4 and 2-4")LocationRock hop down the South Face, Sling a block to belay near the Riptide high tide start. Run across the tidepools between waves to the overhanging dihedral.ProtectionNuts and minimum doubles in cams .2-4"(x3) .4, 3"(x4) Blue TCU and 2"Routes in Wedding Rock1Dirty Girdle5.12aTrad2Great White Fright5.10cTrad 3Riptide5.9+Trad4Terete Arête5.8-Trad · Tr5Deranged Sailor5.10aTrad · Tr6Lost Sailor5.10aTrad7The Tombstone Stone Slab5.10+Tr8Seamstress5.11cTr9Contortion5.12Tr10Pandiculation5.12aTr11Never Say Nada5.12c/dTr12Shellfish Roof5.9Trad13Tim's Jam aka Zig Zag5.8+Trad14Boltless Baetylus5.9-Trad · Tr15Secret Passage5.10aTr16Psycho Path5.12aTrad17Just Face It5.10b/cTrad18North Face (Direct)5.8Trad19Principle Of Perplexity5.11aTr20Low Tide Crack5.8+Trad21High Tide Crack5.10cTrad22Wedding Night Lingerie5.10c/dTrad