HomeUSAPennsylvaniaSouth Central PAGovernor Dick Park (aka Mount Gretna)Highball AreaGladiatorMunkey TongueV1+Edit modeMomentary Lapse of RealityV7boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSit start on crimps and move right through more crimps towards the tree, slap the slopers at the lip and mantle.LocationThe second last boulder in this area, this boulder features a tree growing right next to it on the right.Protection2 pads.Routes in Gladiator1Every Saucer Has A Silver LiningV1Bouldering2Mini SaucerV0-Bouldering3Rainbow GoatV0Bouldering4Mic CheckV0Bouldering5Chunky MonkeyV0Bouldering6Munkey TongueV1+Bouldering7Momentary Lapse of RealityV7Bouldering