HomeUSAArizonaCentral Arizona**Phoenix AreasBeardsley Boulders AreaBeardsley BoulderingSlab Boulder, TheThe slabV0#3V0-Edit mode#2V0+boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionUp arete on the South East side. Traverse up starting on a decent crack/seem. If your tall you might be able to just throw for the finish hold on top.LocationContinue walking North after the Frosted Flake boulder. It's the next large boulder that has a South Facing slab. The East face is triangular and slightly over hanging.ProtectionA pad.Routes in The Slab Boulder1The slabV0Bouldering2#2V0+Bouldering 3#3V0-Bouldering4#4V0+Bouldering