HomeUSAMassachusettsNorth ShoreCape AnnDogtownRifle Range BouldersGun Shot BoulderKnocking on Heaven's DoorV4+Edit modeGun Shot TraverseV6-boulderingFA Pete OtisCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionSit start and traverse across the wall and into the problem Gun Shot Arete and climb up and top out.LocationStarts about 8-10 feet left of the problem Gun Shot AreteProtectionPadRoutes in Gun Shot Boulder1Hail of BulletsV3+Bouldering2Gun Shot AreteV6-Bouldering3The RegulatorV2-3Bouldering4Tombstone AreteV6Bouldering5Knocking on Heaven's DoorV4+Bouldering6Gun Shot TraverseV6-Bouldering