HomeUSAConnecticutCT BoulderingWest Rock State ParkGod's CountryPatience BoulderPatienceV1PanaceaV7Edit modeDynoV3boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart matched on a small sloper in the center of the face. Pull onto the wall using whatever feet work and dyno to the jug ledge directly above the start hold. Finish the same as Patience.ProtectionPads. The landing is good.Routes in Patience Boulder1Idle ContemplationV1-2Bouldering2PatienceV1Bouldering3DynoV3Bouldering 4PanaceaV7Bouldering5Sloper problemV0Bouldering6Fully FocusedV-easyBouldering