HomeUSACaliforniaLake TahoeI-80 CorridorAuburn and Grass ValleyBear River BouldersTraverse BoulderThe Thanksgiving MountainlionV5-Top TraverseV0Edit modeKeep Your Filthy Paws Off the Top!V0+boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionOnly to make things hard and VERY balanced, go no hands on the top. You'll find some under-cling game and a wee bit of smearing. Just go for it and you'll do it!Protectiona padRoutes in Traverse Boulder1Midnight MountainlionV3Bouldering2The Thanksgiving MountainlionV5-Bouldering3Keep Your Filthy Paws Off the Top!V0+Bouldering 4Top TraverseV0Bouldering