HomeUSAVirginiaSouthwest Virginia (Appalachia)High Knob LandformHKL EastLabyrinthHenry BlockHenryV1Edit modeEffieV0boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionJudging by the cleaner nature of this rock and how close it is to the road, this is probably one of the more historic lines established in this area. This problem sit starts on left side pull and low right pocket. Look for the hidden scoop to ease the top out and keep the problem in its grade.LocationLocated on Henry Boulder, a 9-foot tall boulder that is the first from the approach. Henry (V1) is located on the most uphill side of Henry Boulder with Effie (V0) being just right and around the corner.ProtectionPadRoutes in Henry Block1HenryV1Bouldering2EffieV0Bouldering