HomeUSACaliforniaSan Francisco Bay AreaRing MountainSplit RockSnake Split5.11aRight Arete5.10aEdit modeJust Inside the Right Arete5.11b/ctrFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionClimb just inside the rightside arete (5.10a) up tiny holds and non-existent feet.A sustained balancy workout culminating with a height dependant top out move that's quite tough.ProtectionSet up a toprope using small nuts and friends in the cracks above, or use long slings to equalize between the trees to the left side and the large rock on the right side of the top of the rock.Routes in Split Rock1Split Rock TraverseV2Bouldering2Split Rock Slot5.4Tr3Split Rock Dihedral5.7Trad · Tr4East Face5.9Tr5North Face Arete5.10aTr6Left Wall5.9Tr7The Ramp5.8Tr8Leg Stretch5.9+Tr9North Face Center Crack5.6Trad · Tr10North Face Center Crack Right5.7Trad · Tr11North Face5.9Tr12North Face Right Crack5.7Trad · Tr13North Face Far Right Crack5.10aTrad · Tr14Corner Crack5.8Trad · Tr15Southwest Arete5.9Tr16South Crack5.8Tr17Left Arete5.8Tr18Pinball Wizard5.10dTr19Pinball Direct5.11bTr20Western Side in Split - Right Side5.12aTr · Bouldering21Split Rock Chimney5.4Tr22Split Backside5.8Tr23Split Backside Right Variation5.9Tr24Snake Split5.11aTr25Just Inside the Right Arete5.11b/cTr 26Right Arete5.10aTr27South Face5.9Tr28Black Streak5.6Tr29Bunny Slope5.1Tr · Bouldering