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Peak Mountain 3

The Empire Strikes Back

FA FFA, bolted, and prepped- Alan Collins
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Just like the route to the left, start out with a bouldery 5.11 crux bit followed by an engaging 5.11- vert wall. After the vertical section, the wall steepens after an obvious hueco. Work some hard moves as you enter the crux under the 3rd to last bolt. Sidepull and gastone crimps dominate the upper head wall. Endurance climbing with no rest for the last 3 bolts will get you to the run for the chains. Clips are committing as well as the climbing between them. Most of the bolts are over 10ft space with a 15ft run to the chains on 5.12 climbing. Falls are really clean, i was the test dummy!


middle of the trilogy wall


10 bolts

Routes in Trilogy Wall

  1. 2
    The Empire Strikes Back
1000 km
1000 mi